Hand Transplant Awareness Programme at Stanley Medical College

The Institute of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery, Stanley Medical College, Chennai organized an awareness programme on hand transplant on July 16, 2011. Dr. R.Krishnamoorthy, Head of the Department, made a presentation on hand transplant. Many patients who have lost their limbs find it difficult to depend on others for their basic necessities and day-to-day activities. By doing a hand transplant the quality of life of the patient will improve.


Dr. Krishnamoorthy explained that in a hand transplant one first has to match the blood group and then the colour of the skin given the wide variations in colour that exist in our country. In addition, the size of the hand, gender and age of the donor also play a role in selecting a suitable recipient. He highlighted the fact that 50 per cent of the hand injuries are due to industrial accidents and the rest are through road traffic accidents. The purposes for hand transplant were:


- An alternative surgical treatment

- An area of research

 - An opportunity to define surgical techniques

 - Procedure can be extended to the other clinical treatments


Tamil Nadu being the leading state in deceased organ donation, the request for creating awareness about hand transplant was put forth to the transplant coordinators of different hospitals in the city who attended the programme. Transplant coordinators from MOHAN Foundation were also present. They pointed out that since hand donation is possible from brain dead patients only, it is necessary to educate other members of the medical fraternity and police personnel as well. This is because most brain dead patients in the state are road traffic accident victims and therefore registered as medico-legal cases.


A number of amputees along with the family members attended the programme. They spoke about the trauma that they had suffered and their hope for a better life through a hand transplant.


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