MOHAN Foundation Conducts Awareness Talk on Organ Donation at NCC Academy, Ropar

On 6th July, 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Commandant, Col M.K Sharma, 2Bn. Chandigarh N.C.C. to conduct an awareness talk for their N.C.C. Cadets and J.C.Os at Ropar. The Commandant himself was very supportive of the cause.


The group of students were from Chandigarh Government and Private Colleges.  They were very enthusiastic about and very much aware about Organ Donation. Around 300 cadets and J.C.Os participated in the program.


Audience were given an introduction by Mr. Sudhir Dewan and presentation on Organ Donation and Brain Death by Deepika Arora.


The main topics discussed during the program:

Importance of Donor card and consent from the family.

MOHAN Foundation activities

Organs that can be donated

Brain Death and its declaration.

THO Act and myths related to Organ Donation


It was a very interactive sessions. Participants asked the following questions as regard to donation:-

Why Can't the Brain be transplanted?

Why it's not mentioned anywhere about organ donation in religion?

Can Hand be transplanted ?


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