Awareness Talk On Organ Donation At IIS University, Jaipur

An organ donation Awareness Drive was organized by the students of Department of Advertising and Brand Management as an Extension Activity on 7 April 2016.

The objective of the drive was to spread awareness about the importance of organ donation among the teaching and non-teaching staff of IISU.

The students were divided in different groups targeting different places within the IISU campus. They were briefed by IIS Faculty and MFJCF Team member Dr. Anita Hada Sangwan on various aspects of Organ Donation and how to handle queries. MFJCF cards were also given to the students to distribute further so that the teaching and non-teaching staff of IISU could get more information through MFJCF Website/ MF toll free number.

They exhibited their work through posters and presentation was given by them to each to their respective target group.They also prepared a feedback form which was filled by the target group acknowledging their understanding and their valuable suggestions.

Such awareness drive will help in overcoming myths and difficulties faced by people, the initiative was welcomed and appreciated by all. Students felt overwhelmed being a part of such activity.


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