Sample Storyboards for Short Film Competition

Concepts of Organ Donation – 30 Sec. TVC

“A cat has nine lives”

Shot of a youth – quite hip and trendily dressed –

Youth: Hi, I am Rohan…. But everybody calls me a “Cat” why?

C.U. Youth’s face – morphs into C.U. face of a cat

Various shots of the cat – moving, sitting, jumping, etc.,

V.O: A cat has nine lives…

Cut back to youth….

Youth: I too will have nine lives…

Cat: How?

Youth: Because I’ve pledged my body organs….

The youth goes out of focus and graphics starts appearing, giving titles of the organs that can be donated-

Youth: After my death, nine of my organs will be donated – eyes, heart, lungs, pancreas, liver, kidneys, bone & cartilage, bone & bone marrow and all tissues…

Youth comes into focus…

Youth comes into focus –

Youth: (smiles) nine organs – nine lives!

Youth points to the camera –

Youth: You too can give life to others….

Logo of Mohan Foundation –

Youth picks up the cat-

Youth: Check it out! Be a cat!

Pan from youth to cat

Cat: Meoooow

“Star Testimonial”

A famous personality –

Star: Donating a part of your body is a noble act…..

C. U. of his face-

Star: Do you know, one life can give life to nine other lives?

Graphic Titles-

V.O: Eyes, Heart, Lungs, Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Bone & cartilages, Bone & Bone marrow and all tissues.

C.U. of his face:

Star: Remember, you have to make a decision now, while you are alive, and let your near and near know about it….

Logo graphics of Mohan Foundation –

Star: Live your life beyond your own life!

Shows the donor card and puts it in his own pocket-

Star: Be sure to carry your Donor card always with you!

“A Nine petal Flower”

A beautiful nine petal flower –

V.O: Life is valuable! Your life can be valuable to others too –

Titles fades in and becomes bigger-

“Organ Donation”

V.O: You can donate nine of your organs –

A wind blows the flower, the petals detach themselves one by one as Supers appear – Nine titles with Nine petals next to it.

V.O: Eyes, Heart, Lungs, Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Bone & cartilages, Bone & Bone marrow and all tissues.

Logo of Mohan Foundation

The logo morphs into the nine petal flower – slowly the flower becomes nine flowers next to each other.

V.O: nine organs – nine lives! Become an organ donor Today!

Picture: Road Accident – Victim with severe head injury

Picture: Patient in ICU

Picture: Doctor meets the wife of the victim

Doctor: (After comforting the victim’s relatives) madam, we are sorry to tell you that your husband had a massive head injury, which could possibly turn to be a Brain death.

Picture: Out burst of the sorrow.

Wife of the victim: Doctor, is there any possibilities to bring my husband out of this traumatic condition.

Doctor: Madam, Brain Death is the clearest definition of death which means the blood supply to the brain totally gets stopped and never again one’s brain can revive but still if you wish you can make your husband’s organs to life and to give new lease of life to someone.

Wife: Doctor. How can I see my husband’ organs living?

Doctor: Though we understand you are in heavy emotional stress/ sorrow, we have to explain you about the organ donation.

Doctor: Madam, Organs of the patients who unfortunately end up their life in “Brain Death” like your husband can donate their organs to the patients who is waiting for an organ transplant to have their life.

Wife: I understand what you’re saying doctor. Though it’s a miserable condition for me to loose my husband, I feel my heart is filled with satisfaction and happiness to see my husband’s organs in some fellow human being to give them A New Lease Of Life, which none of us can do it now.

Doctor: Madam, We appreciate your strength of determination to donate your husband’s organ for a noble cause of organ donation. For this you have to sign the legal organ transplantation consent form.

Picture: Organ transplantation takes place.

Picture: The recipient seems to be hale and healthy with the newly transplanted organ (like Kidney, Heart, Liver, Eyes, etc.)


Organ donation can give a new lease of life for a patient whose own Heart, Kidney, Lung, Eyes, etc could give them nothing but pain and suffering. Organ donation is done only after ones life times, so why can’t we can think for a while, why we burn or bury our organs along with our body after death when it can give life, if we have a small thought of donating our organs to our fellow human being.

Open with Sylvia sitting on her sofa in her living room addressing the camera.

“I lost someone very special to me a few years ago, and his Mum had the brave decision of donating his organs, which she did, - in such tragic circumstances. I have a letter here (picking up a letter from the arm of the sofa) which she received, his Mum received…

I have written to you because I wanted to let you know, that I think of you every day – you’d gave me a very precious gift. I know the sorrow you feel for someone you have lost, who was very dear to you. I hope your pain is eased by knowing that your loved one did not die in vain – a grateful recipient”

She folds the letter up in her lap.

Cut to first title which mixes through to the second. Sylvia continues talking – TO BE AN ORGAN DONOR YOU’VE GOT TO TELL SOMEONE

“……. Now Lillian, I would like my organs”

Cut back to Sylvia talking to the camera:

“…… to be donated”

Cut to second title:


“…… to give someone a better chance of life – so please respect my wishes”

Cut back to Sylvia:

“…..and have my organs donated”.

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