Arts, Sports and Cultural organization at Keralapuram includes organ donation during X’mas celebration

‘Yuvadarshana’ Arts, Sports and cultural organization at Keralapuram, Villimon, Kollam, organised an awareness talk on organ donation on 25th December, 2013.


It was a part of its 21st anniversary and X’mas celebration. The programme was held at Varattuchira Temple ground, Keralapuram. The programme started with a welcome speech delivered by Mr. B. Nitheesh, Yuvadarshana secretary. Later, Mr. D. Sukeshan, Library Council, District Secretary and Mr. C. Santhosh, ward member addressed the gathering.


Mr. P. V. Aneesh, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, deputed to Trivandrum delivered the talk on organ donation. In his talk, he focused on the following topics: what is organ donation, importance of organ donation, difference between coma and brain death, about tissue donation, difference between cardiac death and brain death, about the importance of the donor card and about the role played by Mrithasanjeevani, Kerala in facilitating deceased organ donation in the State.


Around 150 members participated in the session. The members of ‘Yuvadarshana’ expressed their willingness to spread awareness about the issue. 


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