MOHAN Foundation participates in the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of St. Roque’s Church


St. Roque’s Church, Oldwashermanpet, Chennai initiated a sensitization programme as part of their Platinum Jubilee Celebration of the Parish on 8th December 2013.  The parish priest Rev. Fr. Peter Jerold invited Cadaver Transplant Programme to conduct a session on Organ Donation.  Mr. Prakash K. & Mr. Jeyabal M, Transplant Coordinators were deputed from MOHAN Foundation to speak on the occasion.


The programme began with a welcome address by Fr. Peter Jerold. He explained the importance of event.  The talk on the Concepts of Organ Donation was delivered by Mr. Prakash K.


The following topics were covered in the session:

  • Activities of MOHAN Foundation across the country to strengthen the Deceased Organ Donation programme
  • Types of Organ Donation - Live and Deceased Donation
  • Difference between Brain death and Coma
  • Importance of the consent from the family
  •  Importance of Donor card 
  • Tissues and organs  that can be donated


There were 350 people at the programme and 172 were picked donor card to support the cause. At the end of the programme the parish priest informed that he is going to put an information stall in the parish till the end of December and he thanked everyone in the parish.  


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