Transplant Coordinators Training Program - Day 7

The seventh day of the transplant coordinators training program started with Ms.Chandni srinivasans lecture on basics of counseling and grief counseling. She explained counseling helps in elevate the problems of an individual in his day to day work so that it enables the individual cope up with the grief. Then she explained the five stages of grief. They are anger, denial bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Mr.Sakthivel, who had the courage to donate his wife’s organs in the year 2001, came to MOHAN Foundation to share his experiences he faced at the time of his wife being declared brain dead. He praised the service mindedness of the Transplant Coordinators in counseling and educating the donor family about organ donation as well as co ordinate the transplantation. He was a source of inspiration for all the students and to work for this noble cause.

The next session was handled by Mr.Sagayam, Transplant Coordinator, CMC, Vellore. He lectured on counseling on cadaveric organ donation. The session was live and the students were able to understand the importance and the complications involved in counseling the donor families. Then the students were divided in to various groups for role play. Different scenario were given to each group and asked to role play and at the end, discussions were held to reflect on the scenario.  Mr. Sagayam shared his experiences and also some of the case studies he has brought with him. The role play enacted by Miss. Veena and Mr. Mukesh from MOHAN Foundation, was appreciated by everyone and gave the students an insight on how a donor family is being approached and how do they actually counsel them. The day ended with discussions on various issues and problems faced by the transplant coordinators.



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